Two Years!

Greetings Family and Friends

I know it has been a while since I’ve posted or sent a formal update and I figured the two-year anniversary of my Living Donor Kidney Transplant is fitting enough to deliver one.

First and foremost, thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for delivering me through LaMar and Terry among siblings Brian, Marcus, Traci and Phil. Next to the living component of my transplant, Marcus. A man who resembles the epitome of Love, Sacrifice, Integrity, Ambition, and Mercy.

Now I know 5 years ago, I along with many of you - would have never imagined I would one day be leading a life adorned by Christ and engulfed with a sea of servant leaders whose identity is also firmly rooted therein, living in Miami of all places. 

I took so much pride in the life I lived aiming to literally be Mr. Chicago and the World Citizen, trying to touch every country except Russia and North Vietnam (maybe a few others). And, to my friends from my days of Waukegan, Huntsville, LaSalle Bank, GE Capital, North Carolina, and all over the world for sending cards and virtual hugs so benevolently.

Today however, humbled before all eyes and realizing that the heights my success; financially, socially, physically was a mere refection of God’s love and grace for me and nothing anything I had done. In a matter of weeks, it was all stripped away. The money, the social life, the traveling, my health mostly physical but partially mental as well.

James, the little brother of Jesus says in the Bible to consider it pure joy ‘whenever’ we experience trials of any kind, because the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let this perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.

Interestingly enough, the thing that stands out to me here is the word, “whenever” instead of if, because of James’ assurance that you will undoubtedly face turmoil. Now, I direct you to the last phrase of this passage, “not lacking in anything” and refer you back to Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”

Most of my Vous Crew(whom I dearly adore) are way too young to remember the game, connect the dots but may have heard of the phrase… so let me spell it out for everyone, just in case. Jesus put me through and took away everything to show me that all I need is Him. I was too stubborn and proud of myself to see it as I was living, so he did me a favor so to speak.

Today I want to encourage you to take a different perspective when things don’t go “your way” and trust God has a plan designed uniquely for you. Do you really need all the things you want? Do you need any of the things you want? Or, do you just need Jesus?

Please, don’t be like me and have to get to a point that He is all you have before you realize He is all you need. 

I’m healthy and back to working full time, exercising regularly. 

Grace and Peace you in all that you do. Let the end of this update be the beginning of our reconnecting. 

Same number same hood, it’s all good. ;o) Almost

Be encouraged!


Aaron SimsComment