Snow Day!

Photo by Elisa Lupa

Photo by Elisa Lupa

I can remember the pure joy and excitement waking up to dozens of inches of white bliss as a kid. Surveying the landscape from the window investigating what animals had crossed through the back yard. Wishing it were enough to cancel school and have a snow day approved. 

Never had I ever imagined what stress that put on the adults in my life. Worrying about child care, still tracking to their jobs in unsafe conditions and just stress that sudden changes presents in a world of schedules. 

Living most of my adult life in Chicago groomed me well for making the most of frozen conditions. Most of which I never hated until I began spending winters in foreign tropical places or south Florida. 

Today, will forever be known to me as My Snow Day! Because nothing but the pretty white stuff kept me from what has now been my second attempt at a living kidney transplant. 

Marcus has been grounded in San Antonio since Monday due to the unseasonably cold temps that shut down Texas air travel. There are no flights available until Friday. 

fortunately, we have now confirmed Wednesday the 24th as the third and hopefully final attempt. 

Physically my condition changed a lot just in the last month. Extreme fatigue, nausea, over active bladder, joint pain and cramping have made moderately miserable days and sleepless nights. My mind is strong but wavering as I’m losing myself and keeping distracted in work. 

I’m thankful Marcus is still willing to participate despite all the disruptions and that he remains healthy. The support of my family and friends comfort me when I want to pout about my situation. And I’m continually reminded that even still things could be worse. 

I ask that your prayers and positive energy include my mental health as well as physical for both of us over the next week. And, that things go as planned from now on so that I can wake up Thursday the 25th with 3 kidneys and at least one of them that works! 

Thank you 

Stay encouraged. 

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