Aaron D. Sims

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Eye to eye

I had the pleasure of visiting Grandma this month. A blessing too extraordinary to quantify. 

Approaching 89 in April, she’s more independent than most of the girls I’ve dated and a lot smarter too. She’s cooking her own meals, grocery shopping, and managing her bills.

It’s truly a blessing to get to know the woman who raised my mother, as a woman as opposed to just Grandma. 

She has had some real physical set backs that have slowed her down. She commented on being the only one in her family left. So she knows Father Time is undefeated. 

We connected over her wise old age and my close calls and health struggles. 

I never thought I’d be able to see eye to eye with Grandma but thanking God for every day seems to be something we have in common. 

As we all know, living a long life or even having second & third chances are not afforded to everyone. Allow this to be a subtle reminder to make the most of what you have and give thanks for every day. 

Oh, and my rescheduled transplant is Feb 18!

Be encouraged. 🙏🏽

Grandma Doris